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Production site


Villa Yambol

Villa Yambol is a modern company with almost century old traditions in the production of wines and spirits.

Careers Villa Yambol

The employees are its most valuable asset

More than 130 highly qualified specialists work for Villa Yambol. They are closely following the latest developments and the new trends in the beverage industry, attend national and international exhibitions, seminars and different trainings. Villa Yambol believes that its employees are the most valuable asset of the company and invests in their knowledge and qualifications. Thanks to that, the company and its products evolve constantly marking steady and successful development.

Careers Villa Yambol

Employee Trainings

Employees undergo training sessions, lectures, demonstrations, tours and tastings, being acquainted with the global viticulture novelties. Explore the latest trends in pruning the vines and the implementation of different practices, with regard to the intended use of the raw material. They take part in training programs, learning how to manage yields of different varieties, using different pruning systems. Accumulate knowledge about the expected yields and quality of grapes.

Careers Villa Yambol
Careers Villa Yambol
Careers Villa Yambol
Careers Villa Yambol

Work motivation and career development

Villa Yambol enjoys a modern production facility offering excellent working conditions that create both good social environment and motivation for professional career development of its employees.

Careers Villa Yambol